Annette Lewis
Min. Irene Johnson-Pridgen
2nd Vice President
Michelle Softley
Mr. William Puller, CPA
Financial Secretary
Josephine Smith
Branch Administration Chair
Rev Pierre Loomis Williams
Ms. Jennifer Theard
Jennifer Howard-Black
Recording Corresponding/
Ivy Bealyer
Immediate Past President
Jacqueline Hubbard
Institutional Members
The Woodson African American Museum of Florida
Saint Petersburg, FL
Museum of Fine Arts
Saint Petersburg, FL
During the dawning decades of the twentieth century, it was commonly presumed that black people had little history besides the subjugation of slavery. Today, it is clear that blacks have significantly impacted the development of the social, political, and economic structures of the United States and the world. Credit for the evolving awareness of the true place of blacks in history can, in large part, be bestowed on one man, Carter G. Woodson. And, his brainchild the Association for the Study of African American Life and History, Inc. is continuing Woodson’s tradition of disseminating information about black life, history and culture to the global community.
For More About our History, Visit
“To promote, research, preserve, interpret, and disseminate information about Black life, history, and culture to the global community.”
Dr. Carter G. Woodson is the founder of Black History Month. Dr. Woodson began the Association for the Study of African American Life and History.
ASALH Saint Petersburg continues his legacy of speaking a fundamental truth to the world–that Africans and peoples of African descent are makers of history and co-workers in what W. E. B. DuBois called, “The Kingdom of Culture.” ASALH’s mission is to create and disseminate knowledge about Black History, to be, in short, the nexus between the Ivory Tower and the global public. We labor in the service of Blacks and all humanity.
The vision of the Association for the Study of African American Life and History is to be the premier Black Heritage learned society with a strong network of national and international branches and partners whose diverse and inclusive membership will continue the Woodson legacy.
All meetings are held at The Woodson African American Museum on the 3rd Thursday, of the month, at 6 pm.
2240 9th Ave S St. Petersburg, FL 33712
Learn more about our upcoming events, fundraisers, and more!